Thursday, 30 May 2013

Family night in.

With Lee busy working lots of late nights and overtime lately Bug has been missing his daddy a lot.  Bug has not been very happy about seeing so little of his daddy.  As Bug is dearly missing his daddy when Lee is not working we are making most of the little amount of free time we have together.  Even though it is hard with Lee working so much lately, especially with Bug missing him so much and Bug and I being stuck at home as we only have 1 car and live miles away from public transport, when Lee is home we are now getting quality time together, making the most of what little time off he has.

A few days ago Lee had a little time off so we jumped at the chance of spending some much needed time together.  As Lee is shattered from working so hard we decided to have a lazy few hours together at home and enjoy a family night in and watch a film together.

I let Bug chose what film he wanted us to watch as a family.  After looking at a number of the choices I offered him he ended up picking a DVD that his Aunty Boo recently gave him, Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Lee was more than happy to watch anything as all he wanted was quality time with his little boy.  Having not seen the film myself before I was more than happy to watch Bug’s choice and I had a sneaky suspicion that Bug would love the chipmunks with their singing, dancing and squeaky voices. 

Bug was over the moon to have daddy home for a change and was glued to daddy’s side for most of the evening.  Bug and his daddy enjoyed lots of cuddles together on the sofa, snuggling as we watched the family friendly film together.  Bug stayed snuggled in daddy’s arms for the whole film and he loved the chipmunks, giggling at the amusing trio and singing along to their songs in his own little cute singing voice.

As well as enjoying the film and daddy huggles Bug also enjoyed a slice of yummy homemade cheesecake (daddy and Bug gobbled it up before I even got a crumb of it let alone a slice!).

With all of the cheesecake wolfed up by loved ones I savoured my own treat……a scrummy chocolate éclair.

As Bug and Lee selfishly devoured the cheesecake without thought of me I made sure I enjoyed every miniscule of the scrumptious chocolate éclair, without sharing a fraction of it.

After an enjoyable family evening watch a film together and enjoying yummy treats once Bug was snoozing peacefully in bed, Lee and I enjoyed cuddling up on the sofa together ourselves watching another film.  With Lee being busy at work most nights until very late, coming home when I have already gone to bed it was lovely to spend the whole evening and night together for a change.  Watching a film with my man who I have also been missing a lot too with candles flickering in the darkness around us was bliss and a perfect end to an enjoyable few quality hours together as a family.

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