Tuesday, 8 July 2014

New clothes for Bug at bargain prices.

Being a family on a tight budget and watching our spending with a #SpendingDiary I am always on lookout for discounts and offers on products we need to help us save money.

One of the benefits of living in a town is that I can snap up bargains and browse the sales a lot easier than when we were living in the sticks, miles away from the shops.

As Bug is growing fast there is always the need to update his wardrobe which can be very costly.
Needing to get him some new clothes yet having limited funds I was delighted to see some cute t-shirts in Bug's size on sale at Tesco the other day.

Being a fan of superheroes with a particular fondness for Batman Bug was over the moon to get two new Batman t-shirts and Mama was delighted to get great quality DC clothing at a discounted price.

Bug was also very happy with his new adorable F+F clothing crocodile t-shirt which will be great for the upcoming summer months.

As Bug could do with a few more clothes for summer I will be keeping my eye out for any offers and sales on children's clothing, browsing eBay and visiting the local charity shops in the hope of picking up some new clothes for Bug at bargain prices.


  1. The Batman one's are awesome and the crocodile one is so cute :)

    1. Bug loves the Batman ones and I thought the cute crocodile was lovely and bright for summer :)
