Tuesday 20 October 2015

Our pets - the heart of our household.

* I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® community. This Mars Petcare #shop has been compensated by CollectiveBias, Inc and its advertiser. All words and opinions are my own. #CollectiveBias *

#shop #pets #dogs #Pedigree #MarsPetcare

Throughout my life since I was a young child I have had a number of pets. I have been fortunate to experience the love, enjoyment and companionship that pets can provide.  Over the years I have had cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits and gerbils, all of which were part of my family. Living and growing up on a farm I also considered the pigs and cows as my pets.  In essence I love animals and believe that there are many benefits to having animals touch your life in one way or another, with being a pet owner a great experience.

I am especially grateful to have our 2 dogs, Sassy and Trixie in my life.

Sassy and Trixie became my family nearly 10 years ago, Trixie first and then Sassy a year or so later. I’ve written before about how I was in a dark time of my life when I had Trixie given to me as a special birthday gift from my family and how I got Sassy a little while later as company for her and for extra love and companionship for me.

Having the fun and loveable companionship of the excitable Trixie in my life provide me with some joy during dark times.

#shop #MarsPetcare #dog #Trixie

The fluffy and cute Sassy brought extra love, joy and a shining light into my home.

#shop #MarsPetcare #dog

I thank them for helping me get through a terrible time in my life. The joy they gave me helped overcome my depression and being responsible for them, needing to walk them and feed them, gave me a reason to get out of bed and try to live my life.

Later on when I met Lee and started a family both dogs became our family dogs, being an integral part of our little family. They are both great with children and dote on Bug and Jelly Bean. Bug loves his dogs and adores spending time with them, having a special bond with Sassy in particular. I think it’s their shared playful characters with Sassy being a soft, silly and fun-loving dog that bonds them both so closely.

From a young age Bug wanted to get involved with looking after the dogs, being especially fond of walking them.

#shop #MarsPetcare #dogs

As Bug loves our doggies so much he takes great pride in looking after them, ensuring they are well fed and given delicious Mars Petcare food and treats to enjoy. When we shop at our local Tesco he loves to help me buy the dog food and pick out new treats for the dogs to eat.

#shop #dogs #MarsPetcare #Pedigree
#shop #MarsPetcare #dogs #dogfood #Tesco

Bug always makes sure to tell me to buy Sassy and Trixie dog food that helps care for their health and is good for them, giving them plenty of energy for lots of walks and playtime with him.

#shop #dogs #Pedigree #MarsPetcaree

Not only does Bug help care for the dogs by buying their dog food and treats, he also helps feed them.

#shop #dogs #Pedigree '#MarsPetcare

As Bug loves to spoil the dogs he loves to give them treats and snacks (in moderation of course as part of a well-balanced diet) calling them ‘Sassy snacks’ as a joke about ‘Scooby snacks’.

#shop #dogs #Pedigree #MarsPetcare
#shop #dogs #Pedigree #MarsPetcare

I love seeing Bug being caring towards the dogs and best of all I love seeing the delight in his eyes as he has fun with them.

Whilst Bug thinks of the dog’s as his as he loves having pets a little over a year ago we decided to get Bug his very own pets, 2 goldfish.

#shop #goldfish #MarsPetcare

Like with the dogs he always makes sure we have plenty of fish food, ensuring we buy the right food for them when we go shopping.

#shop #MarsPetcare #goldfish #Tesco #Aquarian

With the fish being his pride and joy he takes great satisfaction in feeding them.

#shop #MarsPetcare #goldfish
#shop #MarsPetcare #goldfish

Having had pets myself as a child and experienced seeing my child enjoy pets I think pets can be very beneficial to children. Bug has gained a sense of responsibility (feeding, caring and walking his pets), benefitted from the emotional connection pets have given him with them being there for him to talk to, enjoyed play with them as well as benefitting from getting outdoors and active with his dogs for walks and adventures.

We love having pets and consider them to be a loving part of our family, being at the heart of the household.
Bug’s fish will be forever remembered by him as being his first ever pets that he could call his very own.

Our dogs have left paw prints on our hearts forever.

#shop #MarsPetcare #Pedigree #dog #family

Do you have any pets?


  1. I feel the same - our little pug has seen us through some really tough times. I agree completely that having to look after them helps get you up in the morning. Xxx

  2. I don't have any pets and I don't plan to have any soon either. I would love a dog though - but not until my girls are older only because I know I wont be able to cope with training and looking after a dog on top of my two girls who are going through some bad phases at the moment - especially my youngest. x

  3. Pets are definitely a huge part of the family, and can help us through some really tough times. A lovely post :-)

  4. Pets are such a part of the family. Although we don't have any at the moment I do love my Mum and sisters dog aflie.

  5. Beautiful dogs! We have three hamsters called Tiny, TJ and Annie, but I'm desperate for a puppy - we're not allowed big pets in our flat unfortunately! My parents have two labradoodles who are amazing! x

  6. Such cute photos. We have a dog and two guinea pigs. I love that because of them, my daughter is becoming a real animal lover. :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  7. I really want to get a dog, but will have to wait until we move house as we live in a flat.

  8. Pets really can be just another member of the family which is so nice. I think it's lovely for children to grow up with pets and learn how to care and look after them!:)

  9. This really makes me want to get a pet so badly! We cant have any as our landlord doesnt allow them but we are moving in 6 months so maybe we can treat our little boy to one! #Love2Blog

  10. I had a pet my whole life until my last cat died a couple of years ago. I so miss having a pet and would love my little girl to grow up around animals. Unfortunately living in a rented house means we can't get a cat or dog yet but it is top of our list when we finally buy our family home.

  11. aww lovely we have a kitten at the moment and the girls are obsessed with her I would really love a dog but we don't have a big enough garden at the moment x

  12. It's so touching to see people that truly treat their pets as members of their family. I had pets growing up, but none now that I have my own family. I'm more afraid that I wouldn't be able to give them as much attention as they deserve. I love all of your cute puppy photos!

  13. we've always had pets. When me and my hubby moved in together we rescued our labrador. It was the best thing we ever did, she is the most perfect dog and our children adore her xxx

  14. Aw what lovely photos and Bug sounds like a very responsible and kind young boy, it's fab to see him taking such an interest, having a great bond with them etc.
    We've always had pets too, they are family members and somehow always know when something is wrong etc.
    X X

  15. What a lovely post. We don't have any pets at home although more and more lately I've wanted to look into getting a cat. I'm definitely a cat person. #Love2Blog
