Thursday, 30 June 2016

Trilogy Stores wish list.

Whilst I would love to say I am a stylish person always styled to perfection and could label myself with the term 'yummy mummy' the truth is far from it. As I have only recently come to love my body the way it is after years of hating it and PCOS symptoms it showcases I’ve never really put much effort into being stylish. I tended to wear clothes to cover up rather than wear clothes I love the look of. 

Along with a lack of confidence, family finances and a tight budget has also meant I rarely treat myself to new clothes and accessories. With my wardrobe being rather bare and far from the overflowing wardrobe filled with a beautiful collection of eclectic clothing of Carrie in Sex and the City which I’d watch with envy my wardrobe is filled with dull and basic essential clothing that I tend to wear to the death.

As I have come to love my body and myself for who I am and am more than a little fed up of wearing the same old frumpy and tired looking clothes I have recently made a vow with myself to expand my wardrobe and experiment with my style.

In my mission to inject some life and style into my wardrobe I have been browsing he internet to find clothes I love. Whilst browsing clothes sites and creating wish lists of beautiful clothes to hint to lee about so he can treat me, I came across a great site full of gorgeous clothes.

As I love denim, jeans in particular but have shied away from them for a long time now opting for leggings or dresses instead I want to bring denim back into my life it was only natural that I would love Trilogy Stores as they are 'the ones who know denim'.

So lee if your reading this (you’ll be getting the post sent to you) here is what is love you to treat me to from Trilogy Stores –

Equipment Slim Signature Clean In True Black Cherry Red – Paige Verdugo Skinny In Black – Perfect Shirt Dress In Miner – Meteor Flower Blouse In Indigo Salt – J Brand 811 In Thrill

Have you shopped at Trilogy Stores? Do you recommend any of their items of clothing?

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