Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The bad weather plan

There’s no guarantees with the weather. Your best-laid plans can still go awry when a sudden downpour comes along or the winds become too blustery for the children to go outside. That’s when you need to have a bad weather plan for some great indoor activities to keep the little ones entertained until the weather sorts itself out.

It’s time to take the boredom out of rainy days and get the children excited about all the fun they can have indoors.

Indoor Games
Being inside doesn’t limit your options as much as you might think. You can still get the children being active without ruining all your prized possessions and causing too much of a stir.

First up is hide and seek, the game that never goes out of style. Check the house for good hiding spots, make sure the kids are safe to hide there and then get your eyes covered, count to 20 (to give them a chance of finding somewhere good) and pretend you can’t see their feet from under the curtains.

Having the option of a larger space will also increase the possibilities when it comes to indoor games. Internal bifolding doors allow you to open up two rooms into one for group games such as Simon Says, Musical Chairs or just a big dance party to their favourite tunes. Another big hit with little ones is karaoke. If you can take the off-pitch singing and diva requests then this will provide hours of fun for them. Plus, you could have the next Adele or Sam Smith on your hands...

There’s something very satisfying about teaching your children to cook or bake. It is a life lesson and one that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching them the basics from a young age will stand the in good stead in years to come.

For this activity to be successful, you will need to have a couple of recipes in mind and a cupboard full of ingredients to pick from. Letting the children choose what they will be making will help to hold their interest and get them excited for the tasting part!

Dressing the part also helps. Little aprons made to fit your children are not only adorable, but also help to keep their clothes mess-free (hopefully). These aprons from Cath Kidston are easy to clean and really look the part.

Braving it Anyway
Sometimes, the bad weather plan of staying indoors just isn’t going to work. If there’s been a spell of rainy days then your children will be yearning for some fresh air and a change of pace. In this instance, you just have to wrap up warm (and waterproof) and just go for it.

Wellies are a must as there will several puddles to splash in - these ones are great as the kids can get themselves into them easily without assistance. Once you’ve gone through the outdoor checklist of coats, hats, gloves etc. you’re ready to go!

Be prepared for some whinging if the weather takes a turn for the worse but getting warmed up in the house after your adventure will make it all worthwhile.  

Getting Artistic
Although your little ones may not be the next great artist of our time, you can be sure that giving them paints and a blank canvas will entertain them for an hour or so.

You can leave them to it, allowing their imaginations to run wild, or they can follow a colouring in book or even a pre thought out theme. They could draw or paint a family portrait - stick figures welcome - their favourite TV characters or, for the older ones, try to draw a bowl of fruit or a bunch of flowers to really give them a challenge.

Once they’ve finished, you can create an art gallery of their work by sticking it up on the walls of the living room.

Movie Marathon
Grab some throws, cushions and anything else that looks comfy and get everyone into the living room for a movie afternoon. If you know that you aren’t going to be heading outside (thanks to the weather) then get the family into their pyjamas and slippers so the comfort levels are high.

Disney is always a good shout for movie material but be sure to take requests in advance so you can be sure that the viewing material will be well-liked. Snacks like popcorn, crudites and a small selection of sweets will see you through two or three films before its time for dinner.

What bad weather ideas do you have? 

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