Wednesday, 2 November 2016

How to talk to your partner about erectile dysfunction

Whilst we live in a world where health problems and issues are being discussed more than ever before, with worthwhile health related campaigns being created and advertised on social media to raise awareness of conditions and diseases and health TV shows filling our screens, there are a few health problems that still seem to be rarely talked about.

Whether due to embarrassment, disgust, pride or a simple lack of knowledge there are a few health problems that even today still seem to be considered taboo topics that are not easily discussed and are very rarely talked about socially.

One such health issue is erectile dysfunction (also known as ‘impotence’).

With over 50% of men aged between 40 and 70 being affected by erectile dysfunction it is important that the condition is highlighted and discussed. By talking about erectile dysfunction we can raise awareness, breakdown the taboo connection that overshadows it so that it becomes a common topic that can be talked about with doctors, loved ones and socially, and inform sufferers and those affected indirectly such as partners of the causes and treatments.

In an aim to raise awareness LloydsPharmacy have been discussing erectile dysfunction on their OnlineHealth from LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor website.

As erectile dysfunction can be so difficult to discuss even with loved ones LloydsPharmacy have created a very useful and informative infographic called ‘How to talk to you partner about erectile dysfunction’.

In the infographic they cover 9 key tips to help talk about the condition with your partner, covering matters such as causes of erectile dysfunction, highlighting that gaining knowledge is key to help you be helpful, constructive and supportive when talking about it with your partner, and how to treat erectile dysfunction.

Take a look at the infographic below for more information and tips on how to talk about erectile dysfunction -

* Post in collaboration with LloydsPharmacy * 

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