Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Bringing the magic of Christmas alive with Portable North Pole Magic Pass

I have always loved Christmas. Since becoming a parent I love it even more. Christmas can be such a magical time and I love that I have a little family to experience it with.

Over the years we have created our own little traditions that we enjoy as part of the build up to the big day. During this magic time of year we love to try to make the whole of December a truly magical, fun and exciting time for the children.

We decorate the Christmas tree with sparkling decorations that include special decorations and baubles that have a little extra special meaning to them such as personalised decorations, first Christmas bauble, and the children’s homemade decorations. We go to Christmas fairs and watch in wonder as the Christmas lights are turned on in the town. We visit Santa in his Grotto and also remember those less fortunate than us by giving new toys to local charity toy appeals. We enjoy our friendly elf staying who has his friends pop by every once in awhile to check up on how well behaved we are, with the visiting elves leaving little jingle bells of magic behind in their wake. We love our traditional Christmas eve box and personalised Christmas books.

To make the magic of Christmas extra special and help bring Santa alive to the children we also include Portable North Pole as part of our family traditions at Christmas.

The Portable North Pole is a magical service that offers a range of personalised videos and phone calls from Santa. The service offers a free version with limited options that we have previously used and loved over the years.

This year we will be using the Portable North Pole Magic Pass.

The PNP Magic Pass priced at £9.99 provides a host of options for extra magic -
  • Unlimited premium videos including Santa’s Verdict
  • The reaction recorder to capture the initial reaction to videos (only with mobile app)
  • Unlimited Santa calls with lots of fun call scenarios to chose from
  • HD downloads for all videos
  • Storytime with Santa with a new video each week in December
With so many options and enchanting services to use to bring the magic of Christmas alive to your children, I think the Magic Pass is amazing value for money. And if you have more than one child like I do it even better as you only need one for a family and not per child.

As Bug is at an age where he is questioning everything, hears tales in the big kids playground at school and even questioned why the Santa he saw in the Grotto last year got him exactly the same gift as the year before (will be going to another Grotto this year!), I love that this pass allows me to create personalised videos with lots of personalised details so that Bug’s and Jelly Bean’s videos are different. Hopefully getting a different video to his brother with personal details aimed at him will help keep the dream, magic and belief in Santa strong for that little bit longer.

There is a lovely range of titles to chose from and creating the videos is quick and simple to do.

The personal touch and keen attention to detail is amazing, for example in The Big Book as well as showcasing personal information that you have provided the book the elves pass to Santa from the bookshelf has the child’s name on it. I love that the finer details are personal too as it helps make the videos even more realistic and magical.

For my King of questions, Bug, I can’t wait to show him the video Secret Places. Along with photos of Bug I have included details of family and friends, where he lives, his good deeds, the present top of his Christmas list and whether he has been good or not.

They have both loved their first video Greetings from Santa, with big smiles as they watched. Whilst Jelly Bean is a little young to fully appreciate the videos it is the start of him enjoying this family tradition of PNP videos of Santa at Christmas.

I also can’t wait to watch Santa’s Storytime with them throughout December, with new storytime videos being released each week. And especially can’t wait until they watch their Christmas Eve videos.

I think it is great that once a video has been created using the PNP Magic Pass you can download them in HD format, and that you can also print off personalised Santa Approved certificates.

Another feature of PNP I love is that when using the PNP 2016 app linked to my account and Magic Pass I can also make use of the reaction recorder to capture their reactions to the videos! Perfect for capturing magical moments.

The magic does not end with videos, thanks to PNP Bug and Jelly Bean can also experience magical telephone calls from the red suited man himself. With Magic Pass telephone calls are unlimited which is amazing and I love the long list of themed calls available such as congratulations, encouragement, improving behaviour and Christmas Eve. As Bug is doing so well in his swimming classes and working hard at school with a big improvement in his behaviour I am going to arrange for Santa to call him and leave a personalised message of congratulations…..I can’t wait to see his face when he listens to it!

The features, personalised videos and phone calls PNP provide are delightful and really help make Christmas that little bit more magical. With a service that is loved in millions of homes worldwide it is no wonder that PNP is one of the world’s most beloved Christmas family entertainment brands.

Portable North Pole is a Christmas tradition we have fully embraced in our household and I would highly recommend using their services to help bring the magic of Christmas alive this December during the countdown to Christmas 2016.

To find out more about the services that PNP provide including the Magic Pass, free videos and gift items, and to bring the magic of Christmas and Santa alive this December, take a look at the Portable North Pole.

* We were given a free Portable North Pole Magic Pass in exchange for this post * 

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