people dream of running their own pub. Whether it is a modern gastro
pub or a traditional cosy inn, many people imagine themselves behind
the bar and consider themselves an ideal person to be the perfect pub
landlord. This dream is not an impossible one but it
can be hard, time consuming and a confusing new world to those not
used to pub life and what it takes to run a pub.

looking to run a pub it is vital to learn about alcohol licensing. To
help inform prospective pub landlord all about alcohol licensing,
Flogas - specialists in gas supply for business - have some key facts
about this vital and important piece of legislation.
licensing - general rules
England and Wales any business that wants to sell or supply alcohol
must have a licence. Alcohol licensing is authorised by the licensing
authority which is usually a local council and is overseen by the
Home Office.
legislation is defined as below -
* Premises
that sell or supply alcohol on a permanent basis such as pubs and
restaurants need to apply for a premises licence.
* Personal
personal licence is needed for those who plan to authorise the sale
of alcohol. Owners of the business are required to have a personal
licence alongside the premises licence.
for a licence requires you to pay a fee and complete an application
form which is sent to the local council. The application also has to
be sent to the police and other responsible authorities such as -
* Local
fire and rescue
* The
primary care trust or local health board
* Environmental
health authority
* Planning
* Local
trading standards
* Any
other licensing authority in whose area part of the premises is
licence authorises the use of the premises in the application to be
involved in the sale of alcohol. When applying for a premises licence
you will have to answer a series of questions including -
* General
information regarding the premises such as address.
* Details
of the applicant.
* Operating
schedule and the date you want the licence to start from on.
* Opening
hours of the premises.
* Indicate
what licensable activities you wish to carry out from a selection and
what days times you want the licence to be active. This also includes
providing activities of regulated entertainment such as live music
and sporting events.
* How
you plan on promoting the four key licensing objectives - prevention
of crime and disorder, public safety, protection of children from
harm and the prevention of public nuisance.
* New
licensing laws also require you to stipulate who will be your
designated premises supervisor.
owner of the premises licence is required to apply to be the personal
licence holder. All pubs are required to have a premises supervisor
that holds a personal licence.
staff in a pub are not required to hold a personal licence but anyone
who works in a pub should be authorised to do so by the personal
licence holder.

this key information about alcohol licensing and the knowledge that
one of the reasons for licensing is to ensure that those who run and
manage pubs do so in a professional manner, the next thing is to find
your dream pub and apply for a premises and personal licence.
luck in achieving your dream of running your own pub. Hopefully soon
you will be pulling pints in your own dream pub - cheers!
* Guest
post *
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