Thursday, 14 December 2017

Joining the superheroes squad with Hallmark itty bittys - #StrongerTogether

The boys are both mad about superheroes. Their bedroom is adorned with superhero artwork and accessories, superheroes is a strong theme that runs through a lot of the toys they play with and they have a wardrobe full of superhero costumes.

Superheroes are such a predominant theme in our household that they became part of our pregnancy announcement when I was pregnant with Jelly Bean.

They love how superheroes save the day, fight the bad guys and protect the world. They envy superheroes with their super powers and ultimate ‘bad guy defeating’ weapons. And they love the cool superhero costumes!

As they love superheroes so much they were super excited about a box of goodies that was recently sent to them.

To celebrate the launch of the new Justice League Film, Hallmark sent them a box of superhero goodies.

The beautiful Hallmark box contained superhero themed Hallmark cards.

A special surprise for the boys was that the ornate box also contained the full range of DC Comics itty bitty superheroes - Batman™, Superman™, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Supergirl™ and Batgirl™.

Along with the adorable itty bittys which the boys love the box also contained a cape and eye mask each and a plethora of arts and craft supplies for them to use to decorate the capes with their own superhero logo.

Thanks to Hallmark itty bittys they could become superheroes with their own special, unique logo.  Both of the boys had lots of fun designing and creating their superhero logos.

With a little help from daddy Jelly Bean created his logo based on his huge love of Monster trucks. Picking the colours of felt he transformed the cape with his special logo for his superhero name - MTM aka Monster Truck Man.

He loves the cape and logo so much. It combines two of his favourite things - superheroes and Monster trucks.

Bug came up with his superhero style and logo all on his own. In fact he took the task of creating a superhero logo very seriously, designing a few different styles and carefully considering his superhero powers before creating his one-of-a-kind superhero logo.

Based on the idea that his powers would be the ability to control and summon water and fire, he created a logo showcasing the two powerful forces. A fierce fireball and a powerful wave of water.

After creating their logos, armed with their new superhero costumes the boys hit the woods to showcase their skills and powers, defeat the bad guys and have some awesome superhero adventures!!!

Night or day with fire and water I am here to save the day!

Pow!! It’s action time!

We are #StrongerTogether superheroes united!

The boys had an awesome time decorating their superhero capes and then playing superheroes in the woods. This campaign was so much fun, not only did it spark their creativity and imagination but it also enforced the belief that together we are stronger and each of us are special and a hero in our own right.

Most of all the boys love and adore the cute superhero itty bittys.


* Hallmark kindly sent the itty bitty, superhero themed box to the boys for free but the thoughts and experiences of it are our own *


  1. oh how fab! Such a fun way to be creative and use their imagination. We love itty bittys in our house :) x

  2. Ah these look amazing and I love their costumes! X

  3. They look amazing in their costumes!!! My little boy loves superheros too. So sweet x
