Thursday, 2 November 2023

The rhythm in which babies grow and how to adapt their clothes

If you’re a new parent you are definitely trying to figure out parenting, and we know it’s not an easy task. Parenthood comes with many wonderful things, but also with a little bit of stress, so don’t worry, every new parent goes through this. You surely know this already, but your baby will grow fast and that’s something you need to be prepared for when it comes to choosing their clothes. In this article, we’re gonna talk about how to prepare your baby’s wardrobe for their first couple of months. If you’re looking for some qualitative baby clothes, you should check out ShamrockGift. Read along and get ready to pick sizes, patterns and colors for your baby’s wardrobe. 

Different stages

Newborn Stage: When your baby is first born, they are at their tiniest. During this stage, comfort and easy accessibility are key. Look for onesies with snap closures or front zippers for easy access and more comfort.

0-3 Months: As your baby enters their second and third months, they will start to put on weight and grow in length. Clothes labeled as "0-3 months" typically fit babies up to 12 or 13 pounds. This is a period of quick growth, so don't buy a lot of clothes for this stage, keep it practical.

3-6 Months: By the time your baby reaches the 3-6 month range, they'll probably be rolling over and becoming more active. This is when you can introduce more playful patterns and styles, but still prioritize comfort and practicality. Again, buy clothes as you need them, don’t stock up too much.

6-9 Months: At this stage, babies are becoming more independent, trying to crawl and sit up. Clothes should be more durable and easy to put on and take off for your little explorer. This is a more stable stage, so you can have more fun with the patterns and colors.

9-12 Months: Now your baby's personality is beginning to shine through, and they might already have preferences for certain outfits. This is the time to start introducing a bigger range of styles, but always make sure that they are comfortable and safe for play. 

Tips and tricks

Knowing the basic characteristics of each stage, you can now adapt your baby’s wardrobe to their needs. Make sure you don’t produce waste by buying too many outfits for a specific size range, and always prioritize materials. Your baby should be dressed in high quality natural materials for the best comfort and to avoid irritation or other skin issues. Introduce colors as your baby grows, as it can help them form some preferences and learn the colors visually.

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