Saturday, 8 October 2011

Welsh Words - Cymraeg.

I am proud of being Welsh and it is my first language and I am fluent in Welsh…..I will admit that I don’t speak Welsh as often as I should though. I feel a tad ashamed that I don’t use Welsh that much as I do love the language, I even did an A-Level in Welsh first language and loved it. I speak Welsh to Bug at times and I look forward to him learning the language. Lee is English and he has lived here in Wales with me for just over 15 months and has picked up the odd few Welsh words and he says he would like to learn some Welsh so that he can speak Welsh to Bug too especially when goes to School…..also think he believes that me and Bug will be able to speak about him behind his back in Welsh and he won’t understand ;-)

Lee learning the odd few words of Welsh has inspired me to use some of the words he learns as a topic for little posts, where I can take a word he has learnt and use that as inspiration and talk about the word in question.

The word that is very apt for this post is – 


Cymraeg means Welsh. 

I really want Bug to learn Welsh and be bilingual from the start. It’s so exciting to think about him saying his first words in English and in Welsh. I want it to be a part of his life and childhood just like it was for me. I look forward to his journey into the Welsh language and to Lee learning more words.

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