Friday, 14 June 2013

Village park play.

Last week we got out of the house for a little bit for park time play at the park in our village.  Bug delight in running around the small park, exploring the area before some serious play.

He swiftly scrambled up the wooden ramp for a ride down the red slide.  Then round and round he went for a little while, up the ramp and down the slide for lots of slippy slidey fun.

After shooting down the slide numerous times Bug took a break from playing to sit on one of the memorial benches at the park.  He started chatting away contently to an imaginary friend, happy to be in a little world of his own.

All of a sudden Bug left his imaginary friend and went to sit on the other bench where he started ranting, raving and pointing at the bench he just left……he must have been having a little tiff with his friend.

Seeming to have resolved his little spat with his imaginary friend Bug was once again raring to go for some more park time play.  The air was filled with glorious giggles and shrieks of joy as bounced on the spring animals at the park.

Whilst at the park we searched for bugs and just as we were starting to think our bug hunt was fruitless Bug spotted an adorable Ladybird.  

Before heading home Bug could not resist a ride down the slide.

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