Monday, 14 November 2016

#GiftToFamily - A surprise for daddy

Giving gifts to loved ones is a lovely act that can mean so much.

It is nothing to do with the biggest, shiniest and most expensive gift either. It is also not to do with getting or expecting a gift in return.

Even the smallest, most inexpensive gift can be priceless and truly precious and unforgettable.

Small acts of kindness and heartfelt gestures can mean the world to people. They can show that people are kind and selfless whilst showing the excellent they a worthwhile and valued.

The act of giving a gift can convey love, thanks, appreciation and respect. Random acts of kindness and small gifts can lift spirits and add a little light of joy and love to one's day.

Inspired by the movement of random acts of kindness Saga are encouraging bloggers such as myself to surprise their loved ones with a gift. In the run up to Christmas, Saga Equity Release have launched a Gift To Family campaign in an aim to inspire people to think about their loved ones and the little things that they can do for each other.

When I heard about the campaign I instantly thought it would be the perfect reason to help the boys treat their daddy to a little gift.

Like all selfless, good dads across the country Lee always puts the boys before himself. He would rather spend money on the boys than himself and as such it is very rare that he gets anything new for himself or more than a token deodorant gift set, book or chocolate gift box for his birthday and Christmas.

Whilst I support Lee’s views that the kids come first and likewise prefer our limited money is spent on the boys and family days out rather than on gifts for myself, it is lovely when we do get the chance to spoil him a little and show him how much we care, love and appreciate him. Plus as we like to raise the boys to know that gift giving is important and that it is nice to give to others without getting and expecting a ‘gift’ in return any chance where they can give a gift is worthwhile.

Being a gamer who is also passionate about Football it came as no surprise that Bug wanted to get his daddy a football game to play on his console.

Not only would the game offer him enjoyment in playing but it would also encourage him to keep in touch with his brother who lives over 200 miles away as they'd now be able to play matches online against each other.

When the game was initially released back in September I asked Lee if he wanted to get it but he refused as he thought it was best to spend our money on the kids and household bills. With that in mind I was delighted that we would now have the chance to surprise him with the game.

Here is how we got on when we gave a #GiftToFamily -

Thank you Saga for helping us give a #GiftToFamily.

Have you recently performed a random act of kindness or given a #GiftToFamily?

* In collaboration with Saga Equity Release *


  1. Your little lad is something else - he is so adorable. My dad is superdad - heart melting. We haven't done anything like this but you have inspired us to do something for daddy now!

  2. the video is so adorable. I really want to do something for hubby now, as he rarely buys anything for himself these days either!

  3. This is so lovely and that video is the cutest! Xx

  4. Ah a perfect gift for any Dad! My hubby would be happy with that, it is nice to do something for then men in our lives. Don't usually get anything nice very often

  5. I think gift giving is as lovely as receiving. I am going to take my 5 year old daughter shopping this year for all of her presents for other people. x

  6. That's so lovely. Hubby is the exact same. He always tells me he doesn't need anything and puts the kids first. I treat him every now and then.

  7. Such a lovely idea - my husband isn't into material gifts so it's pretty hard to find things that will appeal.
